There has been talk that Vincent Dedienne will be at the helm of a new version of the weak union, the time of some exceptional figures. This was revealed by the actor this Monday in a Télérama video, after having denied the information in mid-October.
“It’s the 25th anniversary (of the show, ND), I’m a bit of a fan of this and I told myself I could make two exceptional broadcasts of weak unionlike that, for fun,” he confirms.
“We were discussing doing it and a journalist leaked it (…) on social media.”
“Everyone took advantage of it,” the 36-year-old artist continues. “Everyone said he was going to have a new career as a game show host, which wasn’t the point at all; he wanted to do two (issues, editor’s note). So he didn’t want to do “He died in the bud due to a leak on social networks.”
Announced and then denied
The information was published by Var-Matin on October 16. The regional newspaper reported that a new version of this game presented by Laurence Boccolini on TF1 between 2001 and 2007 would be reborn in prime time on M6, with the actor I am not a hero to animation. He denied the information two days later in the original bandon France Inter, as Puremédias reported:
“But it’s fake! It’s fake!” he declared. “I saw this flourish on social media and it is false! No one has called anyone to confirm or deny.”
Source: BFM TV