Even when it is stopped, your car costs you more. While fuel prices continue to rise, so do parking fees.
6% increase in parking
A Yespark study published this week finds a 6% increase in the price of monthly parking in car parks in large cities compared to last year, with an average price of 107 euros.
Paris thus remains the most expensive city with an average of 133 euros per month (in the car parks where Yespark offers subscriptions), ahead of Nice (113 euros) and Toulon (97 euros). The largest increases are recorded in Dijon (+18%) and Rennes (+17%), although these cities are still among the cheapest according to this barometer, with a monthly price of 42 and 44 euros respectively.
More and more requests for bicycle parking
In Ile-de-France, the most expensive region at 92 euros per month, prices continue to increase thanks to the inner belt and, in particular, to the west of Paris, where prices correspond to those of the capital, highlights the Yespark barometer.
On the contrary, prices are falling in the center of Paris: -23% in the 6th district, -18% in the 4th district or even -8.5% in the 2nd district. “New uses, mobility and transformation of the heart of Paris may have allowed many Parisians to abandon their cars,” analyzes Yespark.
A boom in new mobility that is also reflected in the 50% increase in requests for bicycle spaces between March and August 2023 in the main cities of France. Faced with this strong demand, Yespark saw a price increase in these locations of 15% during the same period.
More stable prices for on-street parking
Another study published this week, proposed by Zenpark, looked at on-street parking.
Paris logically dominates the ranking of the most expensive cities with “an average price for 1 hour of parking of 5 euros”. In fact, the capital has been divided for some time into two zones, from districts 1 to 11, “Zone 1”, and from 12 to 20, “Zone 2”: Zenpark therefore averages the price of the Parking first hour at 6 euros in Zone 1 and 4 euros in Zone 2.
But be careful, this hourly rate is progressive: it increases the longer you stay. From 12 euros for 2 hours in Zone 1, it doubles to 24 euros for 3 hours, reaching 39 euros for 4 hours. Count 75 euros for 6 hours (the price of the post-parking package, which corresponds to the maximum duration of on-street parking) and 50 euros in Zone 2. A way to encourage people to leave their space more quickly and park in a parking lot for long-term parking.
Grenoble occupies second place in the classification with a price for this first hour of 2.50 euros on average (2 euros in the green zone, 3 euros in the orange and violet zones). Same price on the Rennes side with an identical average price (between green zone at 2 euros and red zone at 3 euros).
In the rest of the ranking, Bordeaux (2.15 euros), Strasbourg (2 euros), Nantes (1.90 euros), Lille (1.70 euros), Lyon and Montpellier (1.60 euros). Marseille, for its part, stands out as the cheapest big city in France, with 1.50 euros for the first hour and an FPS at 17 euros.
Although prices have generally remained stable compared to last year, the barometer notes a significant increase in Rennes: the price of the first hour goes from 1.55 euros to 2.50 on average today. The largest increase is ahead of Lyon and Montpellier.
Source: BFM TV