Reductions in business charges will not be reduced to 2.25 SMIC in the Social Security budget for 2025, Prime Minister Michel Barnier indicated on Thursday at the Impact PME event.
The parliamentarians voted on Wednesday afternoon in the joint commission to reduce the effort of companies in terms of social contributions. Although the initial project planned to eliminate 4,000 million euros in rate reductions, this amount was reduced to 1,600 million.
Both companies and the Macronist bloc protested vigorously against the proposed measure. Therefore, it is “an effort of 2.4 billion euros that will ultimately be returned or preserved for companies in terms of social charges. This is the agreement that was reached with parliamentarians and the Senate,” he explained. Michel Barnier.
80 billion euros of aid supported by the State
At the Impact PME forum, organized annually by CPME and BFM Business, Michel Barnier noted that reductions in business contributions supported by the State represent “almost 80 billion euros this year, compared to 55 billion in 2019.”
Although he considered it “unfortunate that the cost of labor is increasing”, the president of the CPME, François Asselin, considered it “a depreciation” that the measure “preserves companies with a high labor index”, such as who work in personal services. cleaning, security or the building.
“These are salaries of up to approximately 3,150 euros net,” he calculated. However, it will be necessary to “quickly raise the question of the cost of labor in the profession again,” he said.
Source: BFM TV