To move forward, François Bayrou not only renounces pensions but also national education. Before the senators, this Wednesday, January 15, the Prime Minister once again addressed one of the aspects of the 2025 budget that plans to eliminate 4,000 teaching positions.
“I am willing to renounce this proposal of repression,” launched the head of the Government, in response to the president of the socialist senators, Patrick Kanner, this Wednesday.
“Moderately adapt to the drop in the number of students”
Questioned on this subject on Tuesday afternoon by deputies after his general policy speech, François Bayrou was very vague. The centrist, who was a literature professor, limited himself to announcing that “the number of positions that will be put up for competition will not decrease.”
In other words, the socialists had no guarantee that retired teachers would be replaced, the main source of opportunity for Michel Barnier’s government to eliminate teaching positions.
The Prime Minister also stated in the chamber that “we cannot imagine in the long term that the number of students will decrease without adapting moderately.”
The number of places in secondary school competitions is already falling
In the Senate, the centrist stressed that there is still “a lot of work to do in terms of the attractiveness” of teaching competitions. “We cannot fill the positions that we propose in the competition,” said François Bayrou.
So far, National Education has not revealed the number of places offered in the competitions to be school teachers. They were the most concerned about the elimination of the number of planned positions, with 3,155 of the 4,000 planned.
The number of places in the competitions for secondary school teachers, that is, middle and higher education, published in December, foresees a drop in some disciplines that are the subject of recruitment tensions, such as German or mathematics.
El Borne promises “more staff”
More generally, the external Cape, which is the main source of recruitment for future tenured teachers, records a total decrease of 232 fewer positions compared to 2024 (4,890 positions).
Questioned about the same topic during current questions addressed to the Government this Wednesday afternoon, the Minister of National Education, Élisabeth Borne, limited herself to indicating that she hoped to be able to have “more staff” among teachers.
For now, the National Education budget for 2025 amounts to 63 billion eurosgenerally stable compared to that adopted a year ago by 2024.
Source: BFM TV