A passenger died aboard an Air France plane that linked Paris with Boston (United States), several American media reports, including NBC Boston. A death that led to the opening of an investigation by the police of the American state of Massachusetts.
The events occurred on Tuesday, January 14, on flight AF334, which left Charles-de-Gaulle airport in Paris shortly after 3:00 p.m. bound for Logan International Airport in Boston. The plane landed at 4:51 p.m. US time, according to Air France’s website.
“Victim of inconvenience during the flight”
Rescuers intervened as soon as the Air France plane arrived at the Boston airport. Little information has been reported about this death, which occurred without human intervention according to Massachusetts police.
In statements to NBC News, the airline confirmed the death of one of its customers, “a victim of an in-flight illness.”
“Despite the intervention of a doctor on board, the customer could not be rescued. Air France reminds that its crews periodically receive training to manage this type of situation,” the company further states, which “regrets this sad event and presents its “deepest condolences.” “
Source: BFM TV