HomeEntertainmentThe unexpected success of the Netflix documentary series “The Bettencourt Affair” around...

The unexpected success of the Netflix documentary series “The Bettencourt Affair” around the world

the documentary series The Bettencourt case: scandal between the richest woman in the worldbroadcast since November 8 on Netflix, fascinates viewers beyond the borders of France.

From Argentina to Denmark, passing through the United States, viewers are passionate about the Bettencourt affair, told in the Netflix documentary series. Scandal between the richest woman in the world.

Qualified for the international market The Billionaire, the Butler and the Groom: Limited Series (The Billionaire, the Butler and the Groom), this three-episode documentary series is a success on Netflix, ranking, 12 days after its broadcast, in the top 10 of 63 countries around the world, in second position in the top 10 world. Non-Anglo-Saxon series.

Four days after its launch on the platform, the series had already been viewed 3.8 million times, with a total duration of 9.5 million hours. An unexpected success for a very French affair.

The world of the ultra-rich

It must be said that all the ingredients are there to thrill viewers: betrayal, jealousy and revenge. And a rather dizzying vision of the world of the ultra-rich. However, Netflix did not seem to have particularly focused on this documentary series by Baptiste Etchegaray and Maxime Bonnet.

Very well documented, the series is based on the testimonies of journalists such as Raphaëlle Bacqué, Corinne Audouin, Edwy Plenel and Fabrice Arfi, but also on key witnesses of the affair, starting with Liliane Bettencourt’s wealth manager, Patrice de Maistre. We also hear excerpts from recordings captured by the billionaire’s butler without his knowledge.

This series tells how a family matter – Françoise Bettencourt-Meyers, alerted by the importance of the donations made by her mother to her friend the photographer François-Marie Banier, took legal action – attracted the attention of the tax authorities, before becoming A state. issue that involves politicians.

Author: Magali Rangin
Source: BFM TV

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